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How to Use a Face Roller the Right Way

Finding new ways of taking care of yourself can be exciting. If you have recently started on face rollers, you just might want to go ahead and “roll away” with it — but it’s essential that you understand how to use a face roller in order to reap its full benefits.

What does a face roller do?

Used traditionally in skin care for decades, the jade roller’s origins can be traced back to China where jade was regarded for energy-healing properties. Aside from cooling our face and helping distribute skincare products, among the clinically proven benefits of the face roller are it decreases puffiness and improves blood circulation.

How to use a facial roller

Start with a clean and moisturized face. If you’d like to layer on your favourite facial lotion, creams, and serum, go ahead. The rolling and massaging action will aid the absorption of these skincare products. It’s also important to clean and disinfect your face roller before use. To do so, you can wipe the roller with a microfiber cloth that's been dipped in warm water and soap. Most dermatologists and skincare experts suggest starting from the neck to open channels of circulation. From the neck, you’ll work your way up, rolling in specific directions depending on what you’re trying to target (instead of pushing the tool back and forth and in every which way).

How to use the face roller on the neck

Starting from the back, place the crystal head at the top of your neck, and roll downwards along the sides. To work on the front part of the neck, roll from the jawline down to the collarbone. Make sure that you are using a firm but not overly pressured downwards motion. Take your time on any spots that may feel tender or knotted.

How to use the face roller on the cheeks

Using sweeping strokes, work your way along the jawline, pushing your face roller in a gentle upwards motion — from your chin to your ears (right under the ear lobe). Make sure that you do both sides of your face. To do the middle of the face, roll the face roller from the centre of your chin outward and toward the sides, onto the cheeks and cheekbones.

How to use the face roller under the eyes

Some face rollers have a smaller end, so use this when working under the eyes. Start from the corner of your eye closest to the bridge of your nose and roll outwards towards your ears. Make sure to close your eyes and repeat on both sides. Also, don’t forget your nose! Still with the smaller end of your face roller, glide down the bridge of your nose, moving in a horizontal motion.

How to use the face roller on your forehead

From the lowest part of your hairline, move outwards to your temples, repeating a few times on each side.

Should I keep the face roller in the fridge?

To maximize your face roller’s cooling benefits, it’s best to store your facial roller in the fridge or freezer in between uses. However, if you want to keep it traditional, Chinese medicine recommends using it at room temperature.

When to use your crystal face roller in a skincare routine

To be able to keep on reaping the benefits of your face roller, dermatologists suggest using your face roller on a daily basis and whenever you do your skincare routine.

How to use face roller vs gua sha

Both the face roller and the gua sha applies pressure to skin and tissue to aid circulation within. The main difference is that when you are using gua sha, it produces a light stretch of skin and tissue at the same time. Most people find it trickier to master the proper pressure and movements of the gua sha compared to the face roller.

Final Thoughts: How to use the face roller

Learning how to use a face roller the right way will help you turn this simple tool into a powerful part of your skincare regimen. With the proper skin care products and face roller motions, your skin will have an overall feeling of “zen” after every face rolling session. And with our face rollers featuring crystals like amethyst and green aventurine, you can even take advantage of a stone’s healing properties and find out how they best fit into your self-care regimen. Lastly, if you are looking for a detailed video on how to use jade rollers, here’s Gothamista’s step by step guide on how to do a Facial Lymphatic Drainage Massage Using Jade Roller!
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